Healthy Hair Tips That You Should Know
Want healthy hair tips? Who doesn’t want thick and shiny hair? Hair is the crown for women and men. It’s actually not that hard to get healthy hair. The tips below can help you get your dream hair.
Facts about hair loss
Facts! On average, 100 strands of hair fall out every day. But that’s normal. 90% of the hair on our head is in the growth phase while another 10% is in the resting phase. This mean that this 10% hair will fall within 2 to 3 month. Under normal conditions, the hair that falls out is only 10% of the existing hair.
Healthy hair tips
Among the healthy hair tips that can be tried or practiced are:
- Review our diet. The food we take every day should be healthy food, rich in protein and vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, magnesium and selenium. You can also take supplements such as B complex and zinc. This will encourage new hair growth.
- Manage stress well. Nowadays we cannot avoid stress. Good stress management can prevent severe hair loss. Go for activities that can release tension such as meditation, exercise, yoga, learn good breathing techniques or do any activity that we like without thinking about the stress.
- Apply warm green tea to the scalp for an hour and rinse. Green tea, which is very rich in antioxidants, can help hair growth and reduce hair loss.
- Avoid using hot water when washing your hair. Use cold water and wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week. This helps prevent microbial infection of the scalp.
- After washing your hair, do not immediately comb it. When the hair is wet, it will make the hair easy to break and pulled out. Wrap wet hair in a towel and rub gently, apply serum and let hair dry completely before combing.
In conclusion, thinning hair can still be treated to promote hair growth. But, if the hair loss is very chronic to the point of becoming bald and you are losing confidence to appear in public, hair transplant treatment may be a more suitable solution for your problem. Visit the website and contact us for professional consultation with our expert.